Steak with caramalized onions and mushroom sauce Ciabatta Rolls

It was my first birthday in the UK on the 13th September and we celebrated in true South African style by having a big Braai joined by some awesome new friends. We were seriously lucky with the weather as it reached highs of 29 degrees, so it was perfect day for a braai outside and celebrating my 28th Birthday. A big that you to my husband who cooked all the meat and it was amazing.
So what did we make for my Birthday braai.
I always love to start off with the classic cheese boards, with selection of cheeses and cured meats, some crackers, hummus and carrots and of course a good chip and dip. For main we made the delicious Rump steak rolls on fresh ciabatta served with a yummy homemade coleslaw, mushroom sauce and caramalized onions. We were cooking for rugby boys so needed to make sure we had enough food. For dessert I made a light Lemon Cheesecake with a marie biscuit base, this was a perfect dessert to finish off our meal. I just had the most fantastic birthday and got so spoilt.

So here is how to make the best steak rolls.
Ingredients for four
400 g steak of choice we used Rump steak
Biltong Rub
1 red onion
1 packet of mushrooms
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
1/2 cup cream
Balsamic vinegar
Red and white cabbage 1/4 flower of each
White wine vinegar
4 ciabatta rolls
Tip marinade your steaks over night in some olive oil.
1. We did our steaks on the webber braai and cooked to medium rare with the biltong rub
2. Slice the red onion and place in a frying pan with some olive oil on medium, let the onions sweat and cook till done, pour over some balsamic vinegar at the end and mis together
3. Thinly dice the onion and garlic and place in a sauce pan over a medium heat with some butter and cook till soft, add the chopped up mushrooms then let them cook and finally add the cream
4. Thinly slice red and white cabbage and place into a bowl, add about 3 tbsp of mayo and 2 tbsp of vinegar with this you need to decide how much mayo you would like to add.
5. Then you can assemble your steak roll