Pumpkin Cream Soup

I was invited over to cook with Joanna Tuitavake, wife of a former New Zealand Rugby Player Anthony Tuitavake. It was a lovely morning cooking with Jo. She made a beautiful soup and chicken dish that we ate for lunch on a cold winters day. It was pretty cool that when I was taking her picture outside it started to snow. Just love winters in Montpellier. To end off the meal we had a great cup of tea with a gooey decadent chocolate cake, nothing better then the smell of a chocolate cake being baked in the oven.
Hi Everyone, my name is Joanna Tuitavake and I moved to Montpellier, France together with my husband Anthony Tuitavake 3 years ago. My husband is New Zealander- originating from Tonga and I am German- originating from Poland. Our paths crossed while we were both working overseas in Japan. Now, almost 6 years later, we are married and welcomed our beautiful daughter Lani Soleil into this world in October 2014 here in Montpellier.
I love to travel and moving back to Europe was very exciting for me. I could be close to my family again, experience a new country and the French culture and cuisine.
France has become our home away from home and is very special to us. We have made beautiful memories and friends here and feel very blessed living life abroad.
With my family being Polish I grew up cooking and baking very hefty food. Hence, why my choice of recipes is based on my background and of course what I enjoy eating and preparing the most.
Bon appétit!

Ginger - walnut size
5 Charlottes
Half a pumpkin
20 g butter
2 small potato's
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp of curry powder
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
400 g water
1 block veggie stock
100 g cream
1. Slice the ginger, charlottes, Potato's, pumpkin
2. Place a pot on a medium heat and heat up the butter with the charlottes and ginger
3. Add the veggie stock to warm water and dissolve
4. Add the potato's and pumpkin
5. Add all the spices and leave on the stove until the pumpkin and potato's are cooked.
6. Once they are cooked you can get a hand held blender and blend the soup until creamy at this stage you can add in the cream and mix well.