Strawberry Mozzarella Salad

Strawberry Mozarella Salad
Serves 4
Lettuce leaves, iceberg
Punnet strawberries
Proscuitto ham
1/4 red onion, finely sliced
1 packet mozzarella
1 tablespoon pesto
2 tablespoons olive oil
1. Wash and dry the lettuce leaves and arrange neatly on a plate.
2. Layer with finely sliced strawberries and red onion.
3. Layer with proscuitto ham. Tear the mozzarella ball and place pieces on the plate.
4. Mix olive oil and pesto until pesto resembles a dressing thickness. Drizzle over the salad.
5. Top with salt and pepper as desired

I'm Lauren Mowen and here's a little bit about me. My family and I have been in france now for just over 17 months. We live in a small village called Montarnaud, just outside of the main city Montpellier. It's a beautiful place surrounded by vineyards and horses so we are never short on a walk in the beautiful countryside or a good drop of wine!
My title in the 'occupation' section on official documents here is 'femme au foyer' or 'woman of the house'. I have two young children Eleanor and Jackson who keep me very entertained. Eleanor was 2 when we moved and is now enrolled in a French school. Jackson was born here last November 2014 and now attends the local creche. Both children are doing really well in becoming immersed in the French culture and will speak far better french than me! I spend my spare time learning the language and culture while completing a Masters in Business. We are loving our time here. France is a very special place and after a short time we already know this will always be our second home.