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Mariza's Curry Chicken with Cous Cous

Curry chicken with Cous cous


4 chicken breasts

1 can coconut cream

1 red onion

Yellow/ red pepper

1 tsp curry

1 tsp turmeric

Pinch of chilli

salt and pepper

1 tblsp apple cider vinegar

1 tblsp apricot jam

Maiziena to thicken sauce


  1. Preheat your pan and add the chopped onion, red pepper, crushed garlic clove and spices. Sauté in the pan till golden brown.

  2. Then add the apple sider vinegar and the apricot jam. This should cook for about another three minutes before adding the chicken.

  3. Add the chopped chicken breast and sate till it has been cooked and browned.

  4. Add the can of coconut milk. If the sauce is too runny for your liking, add 1-2 tbls of maiziena to thicken up the sauce.

Serve with some banana , couscous and extra shredded coconut that you can sprinkle ove the top of the chicken curry.

Wow, I have been living in Montpellier with my husband for over two years now. I certainly did not expect all the things I would experience in France. Coming form a small town in the Free State did not really prepare me for the culture shock that I experienced. But it has really opened up my eyes to old and new passions, like Cooking, Blogging, Photography and traveling. It has been such a blessing living in the south of France.

I do believe that "hobbies" that are practiced become a profession. As Julia Child would say "No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing". My three favourite recipes that I have done for C'est la vie are: Chili chickpea, blue cheese salad and rocket salad, Coconut curry chicken with cous cous and the Fruit pizza with coconut whipped cream.


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