Jax Donnelly's Creamy Mussels

My name is Jacque Donnelly, and I am a Rugby wife to Tom and mum to master Harvey who is 2.5 years old, spoiled to be living the dream with my family in the beautiful South of France. Rugby has been a big part of my life since meeting my husband 9 years ago. Before motherhood I was a recruitment and HR consultant in NZ a career I loved. We have been extremely lucky with the opportunities rugby has given us to travel and live abroad in both Japan and France.
We have been here for close to 2 years and what an amazing adventure we have had together so far. I feel lucky to have been able to have had the time here as a 'stay at home mum' to Harvey. We have been able to immerse him into the French culture, the French language , and take him on amazing journeys around Europe. Whilst he won't remember a great deal of it, its still special to share all that france has on offer with him and build memories together. Life abroad suits Harvey, he has adapted well and loves French school, the French routine and all the yummy goodness of the French patisseries. With my down time I enjoy cooking, baking especially, catch ups with the girls (which generally involve food) and regular visits to my local coffee shop. Being a mum abroad defnitly has plenty of challenges, especially when there is a major language barrier. But that aside, this is a once in a life time opportunity that we are so greatful to have had. We have a great rugby family here and have made lifelong friendships which has made our French journey even more memorable.We will soon welcome baby Donnelly #2 into our family and our French life, so motherhood in France is set to get a tad busier!
Creamy Mussels
1 kg Mussels
1 cup white wine
1 onion
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 fresh baguette
1 bunch of chives
1. Thinly dice the onion
2. Crush the garlic cloves
3. In a big pot heat up some olive oil
4. Fry the onion and garlic, sweat for a few minutes
5. Add the mussels
6. Pour over 1 cup of wine and 1 cup of cream you can add more cream but depends on how creamy you would like the sauce
7. Stir over the mussels
8. Place the lid over the pot
10. Simmer until all the mussels have popped open, once this has happened they are ready to be served +- 10 minutes depending on how many mussels you are cooking
11. Add some salt and pepper for seasoning
11. I recommend serving them with a fresh baguette and sprinkle over some chopped chives
This is best for a sunday lunch at home with family. Jax buys all her seafood fresh from the sunday Latte market in Montpellier.
